Indian 10 Month Baby Food Chart, Indian Baby Food recipes, By 10 months, your baby may have few teeth, swallows food more quickly, and start sitting confidently. Hence 10 months is the best time to introduce most of the family foods in the form of minced or chopped (with few exceptions, which include salt, sugar, honey, and cow's milk). Don't force the baby, though, as each baby is unique and adopts eating habits at their own pace. Just keep trying your best to encourage his eating habits. Also, continue offering finger foods and spices to babies as same as nine months.
Always remember that solids food can't replace the nutrients breastmilk or formula provides during the first year. So consider including solids in your baby's diet as complementary feeding. Please read nine month Indian baby food chart (to cross-check the foods you have introduced till nine months) before you plan a chart for your ten month's baby food. And always consider preferring homemade foods for your baby, which are safe.
What foods can be included in 10 months baby's diet?
At 10 months, you can introduce the below foods in addition to the 9 months baby food chart.
What's new on 10 months of Indian baby food?
Complete list of Indian food options for 10 months baby:

Fruits: all fruits except citrus fruits
How many meals per day for a 10-month-old baby?
For 10 months baby, you can offer three meals and an optional snack that can be finger food or any light snack for a day. Rest should be breastfeeding or formula feeding. Choose the timings for meals and snacks according to your baby's preference.
How much quantity per day?
- Cereal - ¼ to ½ cup
- Vegetables - ¼ to ½ cup
- Fruits - ¼ to ½ cup
- Dairy - 2 to 3 tbsp
- Meat/Protein - 4 tbsp
Here is the collection of 10 Months Baby Food Recipes. Please customize the below sample charts with the mentioned recipes that can be included in 10 months baby’s diet based on availability, convenience, and your baby’s preference.
Sample Indian Food chart or Diet plan for 10 month old baby

Early Morning
Day 1
Tiny cut raw Apple/pear or muskmelon or papaya/
chikku or
banana Or
any other fruit (FF)
Day 2
Rice mixed with mixed vegetables soup
Cooked carrot
or peas pieces Or Potato Salad or any cooked, cut vegetables
(FF) |
Day 3
bread omelette
(FF) |
Chapati or
Roti (dipped
in dal Or
with any mild sambar/
gravy) or rice noodles
Day 4
/Dalia upma
Rice with dal paneer masala or plain dal, or dal with vegetables
Steamed Idli
or dosa
Day 5
Mixed vegetable rice or egg rice Or paneer pulao or urad dal khichdi
Milkshake/or any fruit milkshake made with breast milk or formula |
Day 6
whole wheat toasted bread/
Spinach rice/ mashed ghee rice with egg yolk
Chapati with dal
Day 7
Dal rice made with toor dal
Crumbled Paneer (FF)
or boiled
egg yolk or scrambled eggs
- Sterilize the bowls and spoons used for feeding your baby in a vessel with hot water for five minutes and keep it immersed in the same container until use.
- Some of the recipes above are prepared with more spices as it's a family recipe. Adjust the spices according to your baby's preference.
- Never introduce more than 1 food at a time when introducing solids to your baby.
- Salt, sugar, cow's milk, and honey are not recommended in baby's food until 1 year of age.
- Check for allergy symptoms when introducing new food to your baby, and stop feeding your if you find any symptoms.
- This food chart is prepared to show what foods can be included in babies' diets at a particular month. It should not be considered medical advice.
- Feed your baby with breast or formula milk on demand other than the timings mentioned in the chart.
- Always check with your pediatrician before introducing any new food.
- Steaming is a healthy option for baby food than pressure cooking. So I prefer steaming using an Idli pot or steamer.
Also, Check out the food charts for 6 months to 3 years of Homemade Baby food recipes
- 6 month old baby food chart
- 7 months Baby food recipes
- 8 months Baby food recipes
- 9 months Baby food recipes
- 11 months Baby food recipes
- 12-18 month baby food recipes
- 2-3 Years old food chart
Allen Connor
Parents are worried about their baby foods and diets; as from the beginning our baby needs sufficient protein and nutrition. Therefore we parents are used to looking for several options from where we are able to get proper protein and nutrition for our babies. Here in this article we can get some quick view on the 10 months baby food chart and I hope through this our baby is able to get sufficient nutrition and vitamins in their diet.
Nice feeding schedule
Jaspreet Kour
Your diet plan and your precautionary statement above for a 10 month old baby are self contradictory. First you are prescribing not to give salt and sugar and at the same time all your preparations in a diet plan require salt and sugar. So its confusing.
No Salt or sugar is advisable for babies below one year. Babies can have family food minus salt or sugar. So I have mentioned skipping salt and sugar in the recipes that call for sugar or salt for babies below one year. Hope you get my point.
What should be the time difference between each meal including milk
Depends on the baby's schedule and appetite. Always feed on demand. but ideal timing difference can be at least 45 mins to 2 hours
you mean to say that cow milk is not recommended for baby(10 month old)???
Could you explain the reason(s)??
Yes no cows milk for babies below one year as the proteins in cows’ milk is not easily digestible for baby’s still maturing tummy. It may cause mild to severe allergy in babies with symptoms skin rash, vomiting, diarrhea if introduced before baby’s first birthday. Also, cow’s milk can replace breastmilk/formula milk, which should be a significant source of nutrient for baby’s first year.
Afreen Fathima
What should be the time for serving the food to baby . Do I need to continue the same time or I can give it at any time example: I have given lunch at 1:30 pm today so tomorrow can I give lunch at 2:30
I am just curious about the time maintaining for baby feeding .
Please reply
Hi you mean to say that time difference between each meal including lunch and evening snack is 2 hrs?
you can create a routine depends on baby's schedule and follow the same
Afreen Fathima
My baby sleeps at 4 am and awake at 2pm how can I manage it
Can you suggest me the best time to serve the breakfast lunch and dinner to my baby than I will schedule everything according to it..please help.....