Jump to:
- How can I tell my baby/child is constipated?
- Causes of constipation in babies & Toddler/Kids:
- 30 Indian Home Remedies for Constipation in babies, toddlers & Kids:
- Exercises & Techniques to relieve constipation:
- P-Fruits - Baby Constipation Home Remedies:
- Fluids & Juices -Baby Constipation Home Remedies
- Dry Fruits, Nuts, and Seeds -Baby Constipation Home Remedies
- Whole Grains - Baby Constipation Home Remedies
- Vegetables & Fruits - Baby Constipation Home Remedies
- Foods to avoid during constipation:
- Important Note:
Indian Home Remedies for Constipation - If your baby or toddler's bowel movements become irregular or painful, then constipation is the problem! Constipation occurs commonly in formula-fed babies, babies who just started solids, and toddlers/kids who eat low-fiber foods. Here I have given some details about signs, causes of constipation, ways to get relief, and foods to relieve constipation in babies. Talk to your pediatrician about these options before you try.
How can I tell my baby/child is constipated?
In the initial months, potty patterns and frequency change frequently. It depends on whether the baby is breastfed or formula fed. Breastfeeding babies may poop several times a day or potty only once in a week. Formula-fed babies do one potty a day or may poop only once in every three to four days. All the above-mentioned poop patterns are common in newborn babies, and finding out which is normal for your baby helps easily identify the underlined problem. However, here are some general signs that you can conclude that your baby/child has constipation
- Hard belly
- Less than three poops a week
- Loss of appetite
- A hard and dry potty with trouble passing
- Crying in discomfort while doing potty
- Streaks of blood along with the stool
Causes of constipation in babies & Toddler/Kids:
It's vital to determine the cause of constipation to take necessary actions. Below are the top reasons which may cause constipation in babies and kids.
- Changing the brand of formula from one to other
- Switching from breastfeeding to formula
- Switching to cow's milk from formula/breast milk
- Introducing solids (for the first time)
- Low fiber foods
- Less water/liquid intake
- Medical condition or illness
Now let's check the remedies and foods to relieve infant/baby constipation. Click on each thumbnail image or hyperlink given for the respective recipes. Choose recipes according to your baby's age mentioned in the brackets and the recipe heading. Please refer to the notes section at the end of the post for the key points to remember before trying these options for your baby/child during constipation.
30 Indian Home Remedies for Constipation in babies, toddlers & Kids:
Here is the video for the best home remedies and foods to treat constipation in babies and kids.
Read further below for detailed information and recipes for constipation in children.
Exercises & Techniques to relieve constipation:
1. Leg Bicycles and massaging (0 Months +):

Massaging the tummy and bicycle legs helps relieve gas and regulate bowel moments. It's an excellent remedy to relieve constipation for babies below 6 months.
- Tummy Massage: Place your baby on her back and gently massage your baby's tummy with your hand clockwise.
- Bicycle Legs: Lightly hold the baby's leg in a half-bend position and gently move your baby's legs as if he/she is riding a bicycle. Alternate bicycle legs with tummy massage.
2. Warm Bath (0 Months +):

3. Applying Asafoetida/ Hing: (6 Months+)

Asafoetida/Hing is known for its laxative properties, and it's an old-known Indian remedy to relieve constipation in babies. Choose good quality asafoetida for the baby.
- Take a pinch of good quality asafoetida/Hing, apply it on the baby's belly button, and give a gentle massage to relieve constipation.
4. Switch Formula (0 Months +):

Formula-fed babies are more likely to suffer constipation than breastfed babies, as formulas may have undigested protein. If your baby suffers constipation after introducing or changing a formula, ask your baby's doctor about switching brands.
5. Castor Oil Massage: (6 Months+)

Castor oil is a wonderful home remedy for constipation as it has natural laxatives. But do consult with your child's doctor before giving castor oil to your child!
- Take a few drops of castor oil in your hand and gently apply it around the anal area, which loosens the skin and helps in easy bowel movement.
- Castor oil can be given orally to older kids by mixing food.
P-Fruits - Baby Constipation Home Remedies:
6. Prunes (6 Months +):

Prunes are your first friend for relieving baby constipation. It works well to regulate the bowel. Give prunes as puree, juice, or as such, depending on your baby's preference and age. Check the prunes puree recipe here for babies with more information on selecting and offering prunes to babies.
7. Papaya (6 Months+):

Papayas are also one of the great remedies for relieving constipation. You could offer papaya as puree, mashed, or cut papaya pieces according to your baby's age. It works best when taken along with breakfast. But be sure to offer papaya in moderation, as too much of it might lead to diarrhea. Check papaya puree recipe here for babies.
8. Pear (6 Months+):

Pear is another great fruit to help alleviate a child's constipation. Give pear as puree, mashed, chopped, or juice according to baby's age and preference. Check pear puree recipe here for babies (make it without apples).
9. Plums (6 Months+):
Like prunes, plums are high in fiber that helps prevent and treat constipation. Dietary fiber in plums helps to help water the stool. Give plum as puree, mashed, chopped, or juice according to baby's age and preference. Check plum juice recipe here for babies.
10. Peaches: (6 Months+)

Peach or peach juice can help prevent or reduce constipation. Offer peaches as puree, mashed, chopped, or juice according to baby's age and liking. Check peach juice recipe here for Babies and Kids.
Fluids & Juices -Baby Constipation Home Remedies
11. Warm water (6 Months+) :

Warm water helps to flush the body to get working again. It works best when you give warm water in the early morning as soon as your baby wakes up or try to offer a sip of warm water at regular intervals when your child is constipated.
12. Ajwain Water (8 Months+):

13. Pineapple Juice (10 Months+):

Pineapple juice is a great remedy for preventing and treating constipation by regulating the digestive system. To relieve constipation, kids can take ½ cup of pineapple juice, preferably along with breakfast in the morning. Check out pineapple juice recipe here.
14. Orange Juice : (10 Months+)

Orange juice is another natural home remedy that helps with constipation as it's full of fiber. A constipated kid can take ½ cup of orange juice with the pulp along with breakfast. It helps stimulate the bowel. Check here on the preparation of Orange juice.
15. Lemon water: (8 Months+)

Lemon water is a simple home remedy that you can try to treat constipation. The combination of water and lemon acts as a natural lubricant and stimulates a bowel movement. Take a glass of water and squeeze 1 tablespoon lemon juice into it. Mix everything well and offer your kid! Also, check here on the preparation of lemon water with detailed steps.
16. Warm Milk with ghee (1 year +):

Warm milk with ghee is an Ayurveda remedy that helps regulate bowel movements. Add 1 teaspoon of ghee to the boiled warm milk and offer your toddler before bed.
17. Brown sugar & water: (1 year+)

Dry Fruits, Nuts, and Seeds -Baby Constipation Home Remedies
18. Raisins (6 Months+):

Raisins/dry grapes are natural laxatives that are good for treating constipation. You can use either black or golden dry grapes for treating constipation based on availability. For small babies and kids, you can give dry grapes water which helps to pass the stools easily. Check more details about giving dry grapes to babies and preparing dry grapes water here.
19. Dates(8 Months +):

Dates are another good laxative as they are rich in fiber which helps bowel movement. Take 3 dates and wash them properly. Soak them overnight in water and thoroughly mash them the next day morning with your hands. Mix the mashed dates with ½ cup of warm water/ milk and give your baby.
20. Figs (8 Months +):

Figs are consumed as a natural remedy to cure constipation. They are rich in fiber content and can help promote regular bowel movements. Figs can be given in dried or ripe forms to treat constipation. Soak a dried fig overnight in water for small babies and mash well the next day. Mix it with milk or water, and offer your baby.
21. Apricots (8 Months +):

22. Walnuts: (8 Months+)

Walnuts are an easily available home remedy that can effectively treat constipation as they have a significant amount of soluble fiber. You can give 2-3 walnuts in powdered form or as a whole to your child according to their age.
23. Flax Seeds: (8 Months+)

Whole Grains - Baby Constipation Home Remedies
24. Oatmeal (8 Months+):

25. Barley (6 Months +)

26. Dalia: (8 Months+)

Vegetables & Fruits - Baby Constipation Home Remedies
27. Gouva (8 Months+):

28. Spinach (10 Months+):

29. Broccoli: (8 Months+)

30. Other Fiber-Rich Vegetables and Fruits : (6 months +)

- Avocado
- Strawberries
- Mango
- Kiwi
- Grapes
- Raspberries
- beans
- Pumpkin
- Cauliflower
- cabbage
- peas
- oranges
Foods to avoid during constipation:
- Avoid BRAT - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toasted Bread
- Avoid white flour(Maida), white sugar, and processed foods.
- Carrots & Potatoes
- High Salted Foods
- Fried foods
- Red meat
- Dairy products in excess
Important Note:
- Remember that each baby/child is different; what works for one may not work for the other. Hence if one home remedy doesn't work for your baby, try another one, probably with more success.
- The information provided here is guidelines and doesn't replace medical advice.
- Kindly seek doctors to help if symptoms persist.
- Check with your doctor immediately if you see blood in motion or if your baby/child has chronic constipation.
- Before you try any recipes, make sure you have introduced each ingredient separately and checked for allergies.
- Avoid honey, milk, salt, or sugar for babies below one year.
- Always check with your pediatrician before including any food in your baby's diet.
Wow thanks for the wonderful tips
You are live safer thanks
Sahira Khan
Great article. Omumsie have such a great article for constipation in babies which is actually very informative and easily doable.