Ragi is rich in calcium and iron. It makes the best food for babies next to rice. Make this porridge watery without adding cows milk and feed your baby when you are introducing. Once your baby is adjusted to ragi, then make it thick and feed. Add cows milk to this porridge after your baby completes one year.
Ragi porridge is the solid food I have given my baby next to rice porridge when she completed her 6 months. She liked it a lot and kept asking for more. Also, check my Porridge recipe collections for 6 month plus Babies

Homemade Ragi Porridge Recipe for Babies | How to make Ragi Porridge for Babies | Baby foods
- Homemade ragi flour / Organic Ragi flour - 2 tbsp
- Powdered jaggery - 1.5 tbsp optional
- Water - ¼ cup + ¼ cup
- Cows milk - 1 cup don't add for babies under one year
- Sterilize the bowls and spoons used for feeding your baby in a vessel with hot water for five minutes and keep it immersed in the same vessel until use.
- Boil cows milk in a saucepan and keep it ready.
- Take 2 tablespoon of ragi flour in a saucepan. Add ¼ cup of water to the powdered jaggery and boil in a separate vessel until it melts completely.
- Then filter out the jaggery water using a strainer in the sauce pan</g> with ragi flour added. Add ¼ cup of water to the sauce pan</g> and mix everything slowly with a whisk. Make sure that there are no lumps formed.
- Cook the ragi flour mix in medium flame until the porridge turns into dark brown in color and shiny. Stir it continuously while cooking otherwise porridge may stick to the vessel. Add a cup of milk now to the cooked ragi. (Skip adding milk if you are preparing this porridge for a baby under one year ).
- Boil the porridge until it becomes thick. Remove from the flame once done and cool it down. The porridge becomes thick after cooling down. So switch off the flame accordingly.

Procedure :

4. Boil the porridge until it becomes thick. Remove from the flame once done and cool it down. The porridge becomes thick after cooling down. So switch off the flame accordingly.

Healthy ragi porridge is ready to feed your baby.

- Skip cows milk if your baby is under a year old.
- Generally, ragi doesn't cause any allergies, but check for symptoms and stop feeding your baby if you find any.
- Always check with your pediatrician before introducing any new food.
- I use 24 mantra organic jaggery powder for my baby porridge's.
- Increase the water quantity to 1 cup and make the porridge watery when you are introducing this porridge to your baby.
- Offer this porridge plain when you start. Try to avoid jaggery/ palm sugar/ palm jaggery or any kind of sweetener at least till one year or Add very little amount than mentioned or prefer sweet tasting fruits/vegetables like apple, banana, carrot etc or dry fruits like dates or raisins.
- You can use Palm sugar(karuppati) or jaggery after 1 year. I used Organic Jaggery Powder
Shalini Suman
Can I use 24 mantra organic raagi flour for the same? Do I need to roast the flour first or make it directly by adding water?
Yes can use 24 mantra. Roast it for few seconds and then cook
Shalini Suman
Ok. Thanks a lot 🙂
Shalini Suman
Ok. Thanks a lot 🙂
Can I use breastmilk or formula milk?
Yes. Add breastmilk/formula once the porridge is warm!
Where can I find organic raggi flour
You can buy from super markets or check online shopping.
Riddhima Singh
Can i add formula milk instead of cow milk.. after cooking raagi..
Yes. Sure you can.Add once the porridge is warm.
I used the same measurement but my ragi porridge was watery
water quanity may vary depends on the ragi powder.. next time reduce the water quantity and cook if its watery
Questions to you
1. Is raagi hot or cold food??
2. Can I give daily to 9 months baby ?
not sure whether its cold or hot..it varies according to person..should be validated individually
Yes you can give ragi porridge daily if it suits the baby
I prepared ragi flour as per your recipe. I'm trying to cook it to a thick porridge, but it is very watery.
Please suggest if i can add some rice flour to thicken the porridge. My baby is 7 months old
Try reducing the water amount next time and see. For example, if you have used 1 cup of water for 2 tbsp of ragi flour, try to reduce the water quantity to 1/2 cup or 3/4 cup and check.
Can we add coconut milk while preparing porridge for 7 months old ?
yes you can add little amount
How much quantity of ragi food can give to seven month baby everyday
one time a day approximately 1 small bowl
I prepare ragi porridge using this recipe. It is thick as it should be once prepared. But after 7-8 mins (while I am still feeding it to my baby), it starts turning runny on it's own. Gets very watery with just being kept in the bowl. Is it normal or have I prepared it incorrectly?
Its is normal with homemade ragi powder. try reducing water next time.
Thanks Kalyani
Hi whether home made ragi preparation is best for babies or else in shop readymade ragi flours or organic flours???? Which is better kindly suggest me.. Thank u
homemade is best, if it is not possible, opt for organic ragi flour
I have 9 month old baby,can I use organic mantra Ragi flour to him.I now give him first bites Ragi.Any difference?
yes you can give