5 Tips to Take Care of Your Baby and Toddler in Winter - Many people love the winter season, and there is no doubt about that. But, it is also true that intense cold temperatures can be quite challenging. That is why most of us would stay inside and enjoy our beds and comforters' warmth. While this kind of dynamic is ideal for some, the case is quite different for parents with infants and toddlers. The reason is that babies have much more sensitive skin, which makes them much more delicate, especially in extreme weather conditions.
You've come to the right place if you are a new parent and are not yet familiar with the proper and correct ways to care for your baby during the winter season. This article will help you understand why parents must take extra good care of their babies, especially infants, and toddlers, in cold weather conditions. Also, this will include some essential tips on how to do it effectively.
Importance of Taking Care of Babies In Winter
As mentioned, the skin of babies and toddlers is quite different from adults. So, while you can stand the freezing temperature and even enjoy it at times, young children, especially babies, would not.
Aside from their sensitive and delicate skin, you must note that they are still developing their systems. Accordingly, they are very susceptible to various kinds of diseases and illnesses. Viruses and microbes thrive during the winter season, so flu and other common infections are very regular during the cold months.
As a parent, you don't want your babies to get infected and suffer various ailments. So, it is not rocket science at all as to why parents need to take extra good care of young kids in this period of the year.
Common Diseases Of Babies and Infants During Winter
The most common disease of that most babies and toddlers obtain during the winter season. Even adults are flu. As it appears, it is the time of the year when the virus that causes this quickly affects every individual. And so much more to those who have low immunity.
Remember that babies and toddlers are still developing their immune systems well. So, they are very much prone to flu and other diseases, especially throughout the extreme cold weather season.
But, aside from the flu, here are some of the most common diseases that babies and toddlers get as well during the said season:
- Bronchitis
- Croup
- Rhinovirus
- Various respiratory conditions caused by a sensitive virus
- Colds and cough
Symptoms and Warning Signs
Winter infections caused by prevalent viruses and bacteria throughout the season are said to be easily spotted. Thankfully, adults, especially parents of the infected baby or toddler, can effectively notice the early symptoms and warning signs.
Some of these include:
- Severe cough
- Vomiting
- Gasps and Small Breaths (Trouble in Breathing)
- Wheezing Sounds (During bedtime)
- Abrupt weight loss
- Chest pains
- Fever
- Runny nose
- Headache
- Energy Gap
If you notice the above symptoms, it may indicate that an infection has already occurred in his/her system. So, it is a must to be very keen and mindful to execute proper actions for faster and more effective treatments.
5 Tips On How To Take Care of Your Baby In Winter
You can do many things to keep your baby safe and secure from the horrors of the winter season. But if you are looking for more specific ways, here are some excellent tips that you may want to apply:
1. Choose Skin Sensitive Soap

Babies and toddlers have very delicate and sensitive skin. Even so, this will still protect them from extreme cold weather conditions. But, you have to ensure that the skin won't get dry throughout the season as this will make them much more prone to various ailments. Also, having dry skin causes real inconvenience and discomfort for both parents and babies.
One of the best ways to avoid this is to choose skin-sensitive soaps. It should be applied in both bath soaps and laundry soaps. Opt for the fragrance- and soap-free ones as these are the factors that dramatically dry the skin.
2. Use Moisturizer

Your baby's skin is soft and supple by nature. But while it could stay in this state when soaps have been regarded throughout the winter season, you can further protect your baby's skin from drying out by applying moisturizers.
Remember, though, that your little one's suitable moisturizers are not the same as those you use for your skincare regimen. You must choose products designed for babies and toddlers as they offer fewer chemicals and harsh ingredients, given that their skin is very delicate.
3. Keep Baths Short and Sweet

Baths for babies can be fun. However, this might not always be the case, especially during the cold weather season. Although the presence of bath heaters and hot water is dramatically helpful, parents must utilize them properly.
When bathing babies and toddlers in winter, bath times must be kept for a short period only. As much as possible, do not bathe babies more than three times a week.
If your baby is not messy, you may skip the bathing session. But, if it is the other way around, ensure that the bath times should be sweet and short.
4. Avoid Product Indulgence

As parents, especially new ones, it is very common to get attracted to various baby products on the market quickly. It can be quite evident in winter preparations to keep your baby safe, warm, and secure.
Despite all the good intentions, it is much more appropriate for parents to avoid indulging their babies in different products.
5. Opt for Non-Constricting Clothes

Many parents dress babies and toddlers with thick warmers and clothing pieces when it is cold. There is nothing wrong with doing this as the intention is to keep the youngling warm and secure from freezing. However, too much and excessively thick clothing pieces might cause irritation and inconvenience to the babies. It might also restrict them from moving, which is not great for young ones during their bedtime.
As recommended, babies and toddlers should wear comfortable clothes instead of thick warmers that may cause discomfort. To add more warmth and comfort, use socks and gloves instead.
The cold weather season may be fun and exciting. But keep in mind that babies and toddlers are still developing their bodies to cope further up with extreme temperatures. So, proper care is a must throughout the winter season. And these points are beneficial for parents, especially for those who are new in this line.
Author bio:
Jessica Ann has written many blogs across the spectrum but specializes mainly in weight loss and dieting. With several years in the field, Jessica has been helping people get healthy and is dedicated to providing information for those who need it.
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